Payment will be made by TWO steps: 1st Deposit Payment and Final Payment.
- #1. Item Price
- Actual price of the item, inclusive of tax.
- #2. Shipping & Handling Deposit *
- JPY 2,000 per shop / seller includes1. Domestic Shipping Cost2. Bank transfer fee to the shop/seller * Difference between shipping deposit and the actual shipping cost (Domestic & International) will be settled on the final payment.
- #3. Service fee
Search & Shop 10% of item price + JPY 1,000 Upfront None Refundable Fee Auction Buying 5% of maximum bidding price, or JPY 500 minimum. - - Actual service fee will be based on final winning price.
- - If customer does not win the auction, we will refund the amount after deducting the handling fee of JPY 200.
Online Shopping 5% of item price, or JPY 500 minimum. - #4. International Shipping & Handling cost
- Method of international shipping is EMS, provided by Japan Post Service. Internationa Shipping & Handling cost depends on the country. Please check here to check the cost to your country.
- Paypal payments only.
- Paypal fee of 4.0% will be added to the total of each payment.