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Nissan Wingroad – M-SPL Brake Pads

35,200 Yen

Y10, Y11 all Cars - Front, Rear Each

TYPE-ST (Street) - ¥ 22,000

A control brake pads widely available from low to high temperature. Not to mention the main street, it is widely available to the traveling party at the mini-circuit in a high-grip radial mainly used. Non-asbestos, proper temperature: 50 ℃ ~ 600 ℃.

TYPE-AL (all-round) - ¥ 27,000

Initial rise speed quickly improve the release of in the back from the intermediate. In addition, it is possible to minimize the lock-up by the use of in-circuit low Miu road surface also focus on control stability and at high temperatures at the time of consideration. Carbon semi-metal, proper temperature: 0 ℃ ~ 800 ℃.

TYPE-ED (Endurance) - ¥ 27,000

Model that assumes a circuit run in the high grip radial (endurance race). Lower the lock rate in the medium-high temperature, to ensure the control of the manufacturing power stable. In addition, it is the model that was particular about the durability. Low steel, proper temperature: 50 ℃ ~ 800 ℃.

TYPE-N1 (N1 race) - ¥ 32,000

Use in high grip radial tires ~ S sports model assumption mainly. The wide range of up-sprint endurance. It corresponds to the stage. Power made to rise sharply from the initial, it is recommended especially in vehicles with ABS. Carbon semi-metal, proper temperature: 50 ℃ ~ 800 ℃.

TYPE-GT (GT race) - ¥ 32,000

Circuit Youth competition model of purpose mainly. In S-racing slick tire support, making it ideal for sports business vehicles subjected to high tune. Carbon semi-metal, proper temperature: 100 ℃ ~ 900 ℃.

Rear Drum Shoe

It is Riadoramu for vehicles with Sports shoe. It is controllable sport shoe to suppress the fading characteristics of a medium high temperature, with a view also circuit racing. Non-asbestos, proper temperature: 50 ℃ ~ 600 ℃.

* Price listed is for Race Type.

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